Fears and Codependency

OK: Let’s press on with the things that make our bodies hold us back.

First of all, fear, obviously. Our body doesn”t want it.
It urges us to get rid of it.

It’s poisonous and it stops all the things we want in life come through to us.

The next thing is anger, when our angry feelings go from a adrenalin giving boost to a permanent condition
who we also keep in our bodies, same goes for sorrow and frustration.

Are we not supposed to feel anything then, you ask?
Absolute, we are to feel all these things, that goes with being a human being…but we are not to keep
any of these feelings in our bodies,
stored away and there by inviting ill health and failure in all our goals and plans!

We have to learn to let go, not of our memories or the loss of our loved ones, but of the pain and
frustration that follows them hand in hand.

To constantly remind our selves of failures and disappointment in the past, is to give one self really
bad odds in ever be able achieve something positive in our lives and that brings us back to the
internal civil war situation.

When we constantly keep one foot in the past (dwelling on what we had or what we failed to do and
the other one in the future we want…well then we have no now no present time, we have thrown
away every possibility to make the changes we want in our life’s, with both hands.

We don’t only risk ending up in a very uncomfortable split, we have also seen to never being able to
get on with our lives.

There is also the matter of destructive patterns who, if we are the owners of such a thing, also resides in our bodies.

What we also have to learn, is to minimize our codependency.

Mind you, I have never yet met a person who isn´t to some point on some level codependent,
neither i my work nor in my private life.

It´s rather about if a persons codependency is on a ”manageable” level and hardly noticeable or if it
too is a destructive force in their lifes.

Codependency on a destructive level, makes you feel unworthy of having a happy relationship,
good friends, a nice work and income, anything that would give you a good and joyful life.

It makes it impossible for you to set boundaries, to say no whether to your partner, your boss or
your friends.

Because you´re afraid that if you set boundaries or say no, you will be out in the cold and all alone.

Since codependency too is established very early in our lives, we often have a hard time to even
realize that it´s there.

It has become a very intense and instinctive impulse to never favour our selves in any given
situation, but instead accept, compromise and to settle.This impulse and reaction, is something we have to work with, in order to free ourselves from it, as
much as we possibly can, so we can allow ourselves to make better choices in our lives.

Codependency on a very destructive level, is when we attract addicts or narcissists and make our
selves their enablers. Believing we´re helping them and that they wouldn´t make it without us, when
we in reality incourage their addiction. This by constantly protecting them, for example by lying on
their behalf and by sweeping their behaviour ”under the rug”.

Codependency in combination and thereby cooperating with a destructive relationship pattern, is
unfortunatly a guarantee for a life long misery.